New Lo-An Fish Report for 9-12-2021

Barry Anderson 2.5 day trip

Markus Medak

We got in this morning from our annual Barry Anderson 2.5 day trip.  We had some good fishing on day 1 for school bluefin in the 12-30# class on lighter fly line gear.  We capped this day off with a few trophies on the kite and lures after dark.  We started day 2 on the anchor and picked up a handful of schoolies on the jigs and a couple of trophies on the kite.  By midday, we were seeing schools of bluefin that literally stretched for miles, although they were reluctant to bite.  Late afternoon, it was as if a switch had been flipped and every kite bait was demolished.  By the end of the trip we had 51 bluefin, with 15 over 100#, and 5 over 200, capped by a 235 pounder.

Todays photo is of Conner Anderson, with his 202# bluefin tuna, while getting an assist from dad Chase, and grandpa Barry.